After a lunch of ongietorri with part of our food such as pates, cured, preserves and other elaborations that we offer at the table, we propose the most representative products of our land so that you can select the passes that will complete the menu to your liking.
The selection of dishes will have to be for the whole table, being the minimum amount of three dishes but being able to add more to the whole menu.
Cauliflower & Truffle
Charcoal truffle & Broth
Truffled smashed potato
*Additional supplement of €15/pax for this pass.
Breast & fermented Wheat
Leg & pickled Wheat
Paté & swollen Wheat
Cardoon/Borage, Hazelnut
& River Bacon
Artichoke & Sunflower
Martina Lettuce & Tapaculos
Trout Sandwich
Little Trout Navarra style
Tar-tar & Roasted Cabbage
Breast & Elderberry
Rillette & Berrubiote
Chestnut & Consommé
Loin & Mushroom ball
Camouflaged Roe Deer
Chop on vine shots
Heart & Txoricero
Shank stewed & Herbs
Lunch + 3 passes of your choice + Desserts
Each additional pass will mean
an increase of 28€/pax
*Tables with more than 4 guests must reserve menu passes at least 3 days in advance.
Cauliflower & Truffle
Charcoal truffle & Broth
Truffled smashed potato
*Additional supplement of €15/pax for this pass.
Breast & fermented Wheat
Leg & pickled Wheat
Paté & swollen Wheat
Cardoon/Borage, Hazelnut
& River Bacon
Artichoke & Sunflower
Martina Lettuce & Tapaculos
Trout Sandwich
Little Trout Navarra style
Tar-tar & Roasted Cabbage
Breast & Elderberry
Rillette & Berrubiote
Chestnut & Consommé
Loin & Mushroom ball
Camouflaged Roe Deer
Chop on vine shots
Heart & Txoricero
Shank stewed & Herbs
Lunch + 3 passes of your choice + Desserts — 140€/pax
Each additional pass will mean an increase of 28€/pax
*Tables with more than 4 guests must reserve menu passes at least 3 days in advance.
La tarjeta bancaria es una garantía de reserva, no se cobra nada a no ser que se anule la reserva con menos de 48h de antelación.
The bank card is a reservation guarantee, nothing is charged unless the reservation is canceled less than 48 hours in advance.
24 hours in advance.
Menú ARREA! 13:30 y 14:00
Menú MENDIALDEA 14:30, 15:00 y 15:30
Para dar por confirmada la reserva es necesario que hayas recibido un mensaje con la confirmación de la misma. Cualquier problema escríbenos a
La tarjeta bancaria es una garantía de reserva, no se cobra nada a no ser que se anule la reserva con menos de 48h de antelación. Esta política de cancelación no tiene excepciones salvo causa mayor justificable.
Si dispones de un bono tienes que hacer una reserva normal con la garantía bancaria ya que el sistema no permite vincularlos como garantía. En la reserva podrás indicar que dispones de uno y necesitamos su numeración. La reserva tiene que ser para el Menú que figura en el bono, Menú Arrea! o Menú Mendialdea.
El Menú Arrea! (Comedor) sólo lo recomendamos para niñ@s de muy buen comer y acostumbrad@s a este tipo de comidas de larga duración. En la Kuadra (menú Mendialdea) disponemos de un Menú Infantil.
El espacio en el que permitimos es la Kuadra, donde se puede tomar el Menú Mendialdea. Nuestra condición es que esté muy tranquilo, el tamaño no importa, y que en el momento que no lo esté lo saquéis fuera para que no moleste a ningún otro comensal. / +34 689 740 370 (Miércoles a Domingo 11:00-13:00)
ARREA! Menu 13:30 and 14:00
MENDIALDEA Menu 14:30, 15:00 and 15:30
To consider your reservation confirmed it is necessary that you have received a message with the confirmation of your reservation. If you have any problem, please contact us at
The bank card is a guarantee of reservation, nothing is charged unless the reservation is cancelled less than 48 hours in advance. This cancellation policy has no exceptions except for justifiable major causes.
If you have a voucher you have to make a normal reservation with the bank guarantee since the system does not allow to link them as a guarantee. In the reservation you can indicate that you have one and we need its numbering. The reservation must be for the Menu that appears in the voucher, Arrea! Menu or Mendialdea Menu.
The Arrea! Menu (Dining Room) is only recommended for children who are very good eaters and are used to this type of long meals. In the Kuadra (Mendialdea menu) we have a Children’s Menu.
The space where we allow dogs is the Kuadra, where you can take the Mendialdea Menu. Our condition is to be very quiet, the size does not matter, and if not to take it out so that it does not bother any other diner. / +34 689 740 370 (Wednesday to Sunday 11:00-13:00)